Analysis of Crypto Currencies combining both
Technical & Onchain Analysis

Easy & Fast Analysis

Adwiser Analysis is the action of analyzing price/volume action, indicators, metrics, either via a chart, or by analyzing the raw data in some purely mathematical/quantitative fashion, using to the end of finding patterns.

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Technical Analysis

Libra Trading Setup is known as similarity of the well-known trading patterns which are Head&Shoulders and Reversal Head&Shoulders. Libra Trading Setup is a pattern that tries to catch the counter-trend movement at the most possible advantageous price level so that it has a low success ratio but a huge reward.

T618 is a trading approach that comes out when a parity has changed of trend. It depends on swing analysis and tries to indicate the most advantageous price level to open positions for buyers or sellers according to the direction of the trend change and it utilizes the Fibonacci number while it is doing that.

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Onchain Analysis

Onchain is an emerging field that aims to make better decisions by examining blockchain data

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